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Social Media

Social Media

April 22, 2021

Social Media Marketing

Influencer marketing is a powerful tool teetering on the “nice to have” and the “must have” line of marketing tactics. 

Influencer marketing is a powerful tool teetering on the “nice to have” and the “must have” line of marketing tactics. With engagement being the most important KPI these days, using the right influencers is more important than ever. 


With 94% of social media users looking for authenticity and transparency from influencers, the dynamic brands must cultivate in their relationships with influencers has changed from one of distant mention to friendly association.  

If you’ve read part 1 and part 2 of this series and wondered what a successful influencer marketing partnership looks like, consider the “Outdoor Stimulus” campaign Mtn Dew created. – Click to Read More

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Social Media Marketing

Influencer marketing is a powerful tool teetering on the “nice to have” and the “must have” line of marketing tactics. 

Influencer marketing is a powerful tool teetering on the “nice to have” and the “must have” line of marketing tactics. With engagement being the most important KPI these days, using the right influencers is more important than ever. 


With 94% of social media users looking for authenticity and transparency from influencers, the dynamic brands must cultivate in their relationships with influencers has changed from one of distant mention to friendly association.  

If you’ve read part 1 and part 2 of this series and wondered what a successful influencer marketing partnership looks like, consider the “Outdoor Stimulus” campaign Mtn Dew created. – Click to Read More

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